
Science News

Bruce Bower, "Blindfolded babies show ability to learn how others see the world", Science News, September 27, 2008

'This first-of-its-kind training study shows how infants use themselves and their own experiences to understand the inner lives of others' - Andrew Meltzoff (University of Washington in Seattle) [10]

Bruce Bower, "Study evaluates kids' therapies", Science News, September 27, 2008

On the upside, research shows that cognitive-behavioral therapy eases post-traumatic stress disorder and other trauma-related problems in the young. On the down side, most mental-healthy practitioners use other therapies for kids and teens that lack scientific support. [11]


Science News

Tom Siefried, "It's Likely That Times Are Changing", Science News, September 13, 2008

Yet quantum physics requires time to tell the universe what to do - time is necessary for things to happen. Or, as the famous restroom graffito puts it, time is nature's way of keeping everything from happening at once. [27]

[What if all the potentialities of the universe existed in extreme superposition, disentangled by the momentary effect of what we call 'time'? But that the past, the present and the future still remain inextricably tied to each other in a Parmenidean totality? That we merely experience expressions of this totality, as destiny.]

In quantum math, time is represented in a formula called a wave function, which describes a multiplicity of possible realities. [27]

'I showed that you could make different choices of what you mean by time and get any law of physics you want.' Andreas Albrecht, a cosmologist at the University of California, Davis, says. [28]

If you can choose any time you like and get different laws, it makes no sense to say that the universe is ruled by a single Constitution of Physics. The cosmos becomes more like the United Nations, a hodgepodge of jurisdictions with diverse codes of conduct. 'The clock ambiguity suggests that we must view physical laws as emergent from a random ensemble of all possible laws,' Albrecht and Iglesias write. [28]

"Freedom to choose different clocks means choosing from among a multitude of possible laws, some wildly different from those in human textbooks. But quasiseparability places limits on which sets of laws humans could possibly experience. Only those laws consistent with quasiseparability would permit systems containing objects like physicists. [28]

[We exist in an object frame of reference, where the experience of objective coherence occurs on account of reality's quasiseparability. But that is not to say that simultaneously right now, many non-objective laws of physics are superimposed upon our reality, affecting the nature of our being; as we are but one physical expression of reality]